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Privacy Policy

Effective date: 2021-09-01

In short

  • We do not use any non-essential cookies or automatically collect personal data about you

  • We will only collect your personal data if you email it to us

  • We will not share your email address or any other personal data with anyone without your direct consent

Who we are

The website belongs to Norwegian Development Partners (Nodepa), a Norway-based non-profit registered with the Norwegian Government under the organization number 916724799.

We aim to promote sustainable development of society globally through counselling, projects, and partnerships.

We respect your privacy

When you entrust Nodepa with your data, we take the responsibility seriously. We promise to take appropriate steps to protect your personal data and use it appropriately. This privacy policy explains what data we collect when you interact with, how we use your data and why.

Information we collect, and how

Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person — GDPR Article 4

Even the IP address from which you visit the website is classified as personal data due to the potential of being linked with other data to eventually identify your person.

Nodepa will only collect the information we need and are legally allowed to possess.

Information you give us directly

  • Transaction information

    • When you donate to Nodepa through bank transfer, we will gain access to transaction information from the receiving bank.

  • Contact information

    • When you use the contact form, we will gain access to your name and email address.

  • Communication

    • When you use the contact form and engage in a conversation with us over email, all the information you disclose to us will be handled with respect. We will not share any of your information without your consent, and we will only store contact details and communication history until we have properly responded to your inquiry.

Information that is automatically collected

Device/usage information is hosted on an online platform called When you interact with, some information about your usage is automatically collect and stored by Wix's infrastructure. You can review Wix's privacy policy at

Wix makes aggregated usage information available to us (like number of visits), but does not share with us your IP address, browser, or device information, and we do not collect any other device or usage information that can be used to identify you.

Cookies and tracking technologies

Cookies are data files that are placed on your device or computer, and often include an anonymous unique identifier. only use essential cookies to make our website easier and safer to use. Cookies allow us to automatically treat you as a returning visitor, and to provide extra security. We do not correlate your cookies with any personal information.

A web beacon is typically a 1-pixel transparent image placed on a website in such a way that whenever the website is visited, the web beacon is requested from a third-party server thereby informing the third-party server that the page has been visited. A unique identifier, potentially tied to a person's identity, can be attached to a web beacon. does not use any tracking technologies or web beacons.

Information we do not collect

  • We do not knowingly collect information from children under 13

  • We do not collect sensitive personal information

  • We do not track you across websites

  • We do not use analytics tools like Google Analytics

  • We do not use marketing tools or advertisements

How we use your information

When you use the contact form to communicate with us, we will use your name and email address to reply to you. We will use the content of your message to respond appropriately to your inquiry.

We do not share your information

Nodepa will never sell your personal data to anyone. We will only share your personal data upon legal request by law enforcement.

How we keep your information safe

We keep all the data we have collected from you on the platform.

Your rights to your information

You have the right to

  • be informed about the collection and use of your personal data

  • receive a copy of the data we store about you

  • request that your personal data be corrected or erased

  • demand that access to your personal data be restricted or suppressed

  • transfer your data to another entity

  • object to the processing of your personal data


You may contact us through our contact form or by email to

Please reach out to us if you

  • have any questions about this privacy policy

  • want to make a request about your personal data

Changes to the privacy policy

We will update this policy whenever we make changes to in such a way that it impacts the personal data we collect.

If we make significant changes in the way we treat your personal data, we will make this clear on or by contacting you directly.

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