Sectors of Work
NODEPA wants to meet people with dignity and love when they need it the most. The health sector provides an excellent opportunity for this. NODEPA, therefore, supports work in this area either through small-scale projects or by facilitating the recruitment and employment of health care personnel in areas where there is a need. The transfer of knowledge and skills are important aspects of the work that these professionals do.
Quality education is lacking in many parts of the world. NODEPA wishes to engage at all levels of education, starting from a child´s early development through to higher education as well as basic literacy training for adults. This is done through projects implemented by NODEPA in partnerships with local actors as well as by linking skilled personnel to key positions in the education sector.
Private enterprises play a vital role in the economic development of countries. NODEPA seeks to invest in small scale businesses that can have a positive impact on local communities. Until now, NODEPA has mostly invested in the travel and tourism sector but are actively seeking opportunities in other sectors as well.
In some settings, more traditional development projects will be supported. For NODEPA to provide support for these kinds of projects, it is important that there is a strong local ownership present that helps ensure the benefits go to the most needy and vulnerable. Moreover, there has to be a clear strategy for not creating dependency.